
October 29, 2023
This week's message is titled "Blessing." Thank you to Rhonda, Temi, and Glynnis for being part of the video. The scripture reading is Mark 10:13-16. Happy birthday this week to…


September 24, 2023
Thank you to Rhonda, Ed, Janet, Don, and Mike for being involved in the video. There was a recording issue during the closing prayer. Subtitles are shown on screen and…

God’s Faithfulness

July 30, 2023
Thank you to Ed and Rhonda for being in the video, and to all those who participated. Happy birthday this week to Dorothy, Ed, Len, and Sherry. Songs & videos…
Thank you to Rhonda, Ed, and Don for being part of the video. Scriptures from this service: Communion - Romans 5:15-17 (NRSV). Reading - John 14:1-10 (NIV). Sermon - Acts…