Advent: Love

December 22, 2024
Thank you to Paul, Mike, Temi, and Don for being part of the video. Happy birthday this week to Tabitha, Johanne, Happy, and Rebecca. Join us for our Christmas Eve…
Thank you to Mike, Dave, and Don for being part of the video. Happy birthday this week to Dorothy, Ed, and Len. Songs from this service: O Worship The King…


December 10, 2023
Thank you to Geoff, Mike, Toluwani and Don for being part of the video, and to members of the Great Lakes Chorus for teaching us a new song. Happy birthday…


September 24, 2023
Thank you to Rhonda, Ed, Janet, Don, and Mike for being involved in the video. There was a recording issue during the closing prayer. Subtitles are shown on screen and…

Good Friday

April 16, 2023
Thank you to Dave, Mike, Dianne, and Don for being part of the video. Scriptures from this service: Welcome: James 5:5-13. Communion: Matthew 16:21; Luke 24:7, Matthew 26:14-15; Mark 14:24;…

All Things New

January 15, 2023
Thank you to Mike, Ed, Jim, and Don for being part of the video. Scriptures from this service: Communion - Isaiah 41:10 (AMP); Matthew 6:25 (AMP). Reading - Ephesians 1:3-10…
Thank you to Paul, Mike, Janet, and Don for being part of the video. Songs & videos from this service: Faithful - Zoe Group - -- Because He Lives…