Everyone Is Invited to the Feast of the Kingdom of God
July 31, 2022

Everyone Is Invited to the Feast of the Kingdom of God

Speaker: , , ,
Passage: Luke 13:29-30, Luke 14:12-14

Thank you to Geoff, Ed, Dianne, and Don for being involved in the video.

Scriptures from this service include: Welcome: Matthew 8:10-11. Communion: Genesis 7:6; 7:24; 7:17; 8:4; 8:7; 8:10-11. Reading: Luke 13:29-30; 14:12-14. Sermon: Luke 13:29-30; 14:15-23; 14:24; John 3:16; Isaiah 2:1-4; Galatians 5:22-23; Jeremiah 31:34; Isaiah 11:6; 11:7-9; Romans 8:22; Isaiah 19:23; 19:25; John 17:21; 2 Corinthians 5:19; Isaiah 19:23; 55:1; John 4:14; Revelation 22:17; Isaiah 25:3-5; 1 Corinthians 13:12; Isaiah 23:6-8; 65:17; Revelation 21:5; Romans 8:21; Colossians 1:20; Isaiah 43:1; 65:17-19; Ephesians 1:10; Isaiah 66:22. Closing: John 2:10.

Songs from this service include: All Who Are Thirsty - https://youtu.be/C6Di64pmkLo -- Come, Share the Lord - https://youtu.be/KcyL_8mD2Fw -- God So Loved - https://youtu.be/n-J35w9-szY -- All Things Are Ready (Whosoever Will) - https://youtu.be/t3ZYzfXtNXc -- Kneel At The Cross - https://youtu.be/UIsIyFwbfOQ -- How Far - https://youtu.be/l8zav7bsP2k

Photo by Fabio Sangregorio on Unsplash

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