This week's video was originally recorded July 31, 2022. Thank you to Tim, Janet, and Don for being involved. Songs from this service: All People That On Earth Do Dwell…
Thank you to Rhonda, Ed, and Don for being part of the video. Happy birthday this week to Dave. Songs from this service: How Can I Keep From Singing -…
Thank you to Dave, Mike, Dianne, and Don for being part of the video. Scriptures from this service: Welcome: James 5:5-13. Communion: Matthew 16:21; Luke 24:7, Matthew 26:14-15; Mark 14:24;…
Thank you to Glynnis, Dave, Debbie, and Don for being part of the video. We'd like to send out some milestone birthday greetings: John M and Ann S, who have…
Thank you to Rhonda, Earl, Glynnis, and Don for being involved in this video. Songs from this service: The Lord's My Shepherd - -- Lord I Need You -…
Thank you to Paul, Mike, Ed, Amy, and Don for being part of the video. Songs from this service include: Thy Word - -- Give Me The Bible -…
Thank you to Don, Jim, and Glynnis for being part of the video. Songs from this service include: Come, Now Is The Time To Worship - -- Good To…
Thank you to Alan, Geoff, Janet, and Don for being part of the video, and to Julie for leading us in song. Songs from this service included: Great Are You,…
Thank you to Geoff, Mike, Earl, and Don for being part of the video, and to Heather and Julie for leading singing. Songs and videos from this service include: Camp…
Thank you to Julie, Tim, Ed, and Don for being involved in the video. Songs from this service include: I Stand In Awe - -- I Sing Praises -…